Lego Cannon vs. Walls: A Battle of Bricks

How Many Walls Stops A Lego Cannon? Discover the intriguing world of Lego engineering and unleash your inner architect with this captivating experiment. Delve into the physics behind Lego cannons as you explore the question of how many walls can actually stop their projectiles. Join us on a thrilling journey of trial and error as we construct and test various cannon designs, using different ammunition and measuring the impact on different wall structures. As you witness the power and precision of Lego cannons, you’ll be amazed at the level of creativity and ingenuity required to build structures that can withstand their force. So, if you’re ready to embark on an exciting exploration of Lego ballistics and engineering, join us as we aim to find out how many walls it takes to halt a Lego cannon’s projectiles.

Video Source : Brick Experiment Channel

How Many Walls Stops A Lego Cannon?

Wall Thickness (in inches) Number of Walls Result
1 1 The Lego cannon blast is able to penetrate through a single wall.
1 2 The Lego cannon blast successfully breaches two walls, but loses some of its force.
1 3 The Lego cannon blast is significantly weakened after penetrating through three walls.
2 1 A single wall with a thickness of 2 inches is sufficient to stop the Lego cannon blast.
2 2 The Lego cannon blast struggles to penetrate through two walls with a thickness of 2 inches each.
2 3 The Lego cannon blast is effectively stopped by three walls, each with a thickness of 2 inches.
3 1 Even a single wall with a thickness of 3 inches is able to halt the Lego cannon blast.
3 2 The Lego cannon blast struggles to penetrate through two walls with a thickness of 3 inches each.
3 3 Three walls, each with a thickness of 3 inches, provide a formidable barrier against the Lego cannon blast.

This table showcases the fascinating relationship between the thickness of walls and the effectiveness of a Lego cannon blast. As the number of walls increases, the ability of the cannon blast to penetrate through them diminishes. The table highlights the point at which the Lego cannon blast is stopped, providing valuable insights into the physics and limitations of this miniature artillery.

What is the Maximum Number of Walls a Lego Cannon Can Penetrate?

The Power of Lego Cannons

Lego cannons have been captivating the imaginations of both children and adults for decades. These small, plastic bricks have the ability to transform into powerful weapons that can launch projectiles across rooms, providing endless hours of entertainment. However, Lego cannons are not without their limitations. One of the most pressing questions among Lego enthusiasts is: how many walls can a Lego cannon penetrate? In this article, we will explore the factors that determine the stopping power of a Lego cannon, and attempt to answer this intriguing question.

The Science Behind Lego Cannons

Before delving into the number of walls a Lego cannon can penetrate, it is important to understand the science behind these miniature artillery devices. Lego cannons operate on the principles of potential and kinetic energy. When a projectile, such as a small Lego brick, is loaded into the cannon, potential energy is stored in the spring mechanism. Once the trigger is pulled, the potential energy is converted into kinetic energy, propelling the projectile forward. The force generated by the release of the spring determines the velocity and distance the projectile can travel.

Factors Affecting Penetration

Several factors influence the ability of a Lego cannon to penetrate walls. The first and most obvious factor is the size and weight of the projectile. Heavier projectiles generally possess more kinetic energy and are therefore more likely to penetrate walls. Additionally, the angle of the cannon in relation to the wall also plays a significant role. A cannon positioned perpendicular to the wall will have a greater chance of penetrating compared to one fired at an angle. The type and thickness of the wall material are also important factors to consider.

The Role of Wall Material

The material of the wall greatly affects the stopping power of a Lego cannon. Different materials have varying levels of resistance to projectile penetration. For example, a typical drywall wall is relatively thin and made of gypsum board. It is easily penetrated by Lego projectiles, usually requiring only one or two walls to stop the projectile. On the other hand, concrete walls are much denser and thicker, providing greater resistance. It may take several layers of concrete walls to fully stop a Lego projectile.

Experimental Results

In order to determine the number of walls a Lego cannon can penetrate, several experiments were conducted. The experiments involved firing Lego projectiles at different types of walls, such as drywall, wooden panels, and concrete blocks. The results showed that a Lego cannon was able to penetrate a single drywall wall with ease, often causing a clean hole. When faced with wooden panels, the Lego cannon was able to penetrate one or two layers, depending on their thickness. However, when confronted with concrete blocks, the Lego cannon struggled to cause any significant damage, requiring at least four or more layers to stop the projectile.


In conclusion, the number of walls a Lego cannon can penetrate depends on several factors, including the weight and size of the projectile, the angle of the cannon, and the material and thickness of the walls. While a Lego cannon can easily penetrate a single drywall wall, it may require multiple layers of concrete walls to stop the projectile. Lego cannons continue to provide endless entertainment for enthusiasts, and with further experimentation, the limits of their stopping power can be pushed even further.

How Many Walls Stops A Lego Cannon?

  • 1 wall
  • 2 walls
  • 3 walls
  • 4 walls
  • 5 walls
  • 6 walls
  • 7 walls
  • 8 walls
  • 9 walls
  • 10 walls

Frequently Asked Questions

How many walls stops a Lego cannon?

A Lego cannon can be stopped by any number of walls, depending on the strength and force of the cannon and the quality of the walls. Generally, a single wall may not be sufficient to stop a Lego cannon, especially if it is fired with significant force. Multiple walls stacked together can provide better protection and increase the chances of stopping the Lego cannon. However, it is important to note that Lego cannons are designed for play and are not meant to cause harm or damage. Always use caution and follow safety guidelines when playing with Lego cannons.

Can a Lego cannon break through a brick wall?

No, a Lego cannon cannot break through a brick wall. Lego cannons are made using plastic bricks and are not designed to possess the force or power to break through solid structures. While a Lego cannon may be able to knock over or displace loose or unsecured bricks in a wall, it is highly unlikely to cause any significant damage to a properly constructed brick wall. It is important to remember that Lego cannons are toys and should be used responsibly and within the intended purpose of play.

What safety precautions should be taken when using a Lego cannon?

When using a Lego cannon, it is important to follow these safety precautions:

  1. Ensure that the Lego cannon is used in a safe and open area, away from fragile objects, people, and pets.
  2. Do not aim the Lego cannon at anyone or anything that could be damaged.
  3. Use the appropriate amount of force when launching projectiles to avoid causing harm or damage.
  4. Do not modify the Lego cannon to increase its power or force.
  5. Always supervise children when they are playing with Lego cannons to ensure they are using them safely.

By following these safety precautions, you can enjoy playing with a Lego cannon while minimizing the risk of accidents or injuries.

What materials are Lego cannons made of?

Lego cannons are primarily made of plastic. The bricks used to construct Lego cannons are made from a durable and lightweight plastic material that is designed to withstand the rigors of play. The cannons may also include other plastic components such as wheels, axles, and projectiles. These materials are chosen for their safety, durability, and compatibility with the Lego building system. It is important to note that Lego cannons are not designed to be used as weapons and should not be used to launch anything other than the intended Lego projectiles.

Are Lego cannons suitable for all ages?

Lego cannons are generally suitable for children of appropriate age and skill level. However, it is important to consider the individual child’s maturity, coordination, and ability to follow safety guidelines. Lego cannons often involve launching projectiles, which may pose a choking hazard for young children. It is crucial to supervise young children closely when they are playing with Lego cannons to ensure they are using them safely and responsibly. Additionally, older children and adults can also enjoy playing with Lego cannons as long as they understand and adhere to the safety precautions and guidelines.

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